Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Weather

Texas is currently being punished by god for harboring George W. Bush. And for DeLay. And for redistricting.


Phil Chordas said...

Now, the DC area is being punished by severe rain for harboring George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, et. al.

Anonymous said...

The WHOLE country is being punished!
Dubya is the anti-Christ.

The end is near! Save yourselves -- vote a Republican OUT of office!


Anonymous said...

And how about the fires in the west; the floods in the east; and there was actually a tornado in Jersey!

I tell you: the Anti-Christ is here. It's the beginning of the end.


Anonymous said...

You should write some of your on-the-road stories here. They're funny and tragic and folks would like getting an insider's view of what it takes to put a sports show on the air.
In fact, why not make that the focus of your blog?